Found 5 software entries
from category: Sound Set
Halo Sound Set
Halo Sound Set is an Apperance Manager Sound Set file containing sound effects from the game Halo. It adds events sounds to the Finder in Mac OS 8 and 9. Halo Sound Set also contains 3 AIFF sound clips from that same game. You...
More System Sound Sets for Appearance Manager
Many cool sound sets for Mac OS 8.5 thru 9.2.2 Appearance Manager. The first 35 sound sets archive contains the following: Acid SoundSet AKIRA Sound Set Aqua SoundSet 1.0 Clickz 1.0 DrawingBoard Sounds Dune Sound Set Final...
Trek Sounds
Newton Sound Set 1.1
Newton Sound Set 1.1 is the third update to a sound set made based on the Newton Message Pad 130 from a Japanese fan.
Apple Sound Set
Apple Sound Set was made by Bill Surber (not from Apple)
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