Found 11 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Utilities
GoMac 2.0.2
Action GoMac is a utility that gives your mac the function of a Windows taskbar, quick launch, and start menu. Please note that it is not completely realistic in that it does not totally make your computer look like Windows, but if you don't...
GoMac 1.5v1
GoMac 1.4x
GoMac 1.6
Glidel is a system extension that extends the Finder's drag-and-drop abilities within System 7 and later. You can select any file, folder or volume icons (this is called a selection), and drag it to: * The Open, Print, Get Info, Sharing...,...
This utility is used to increase performance of intel GMA graphics chip in Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6. It is a terminal application and requires Apple CHUD tools 4.6.
GestLab is a major improvement to Gestalt.Appl, two JP Curcio’s freeware tools dedicated to the Mac OS Gestalt Manager.
GetFileInfo and SetFile
GetSmart II
This appears to be an internal Apple utility (in the form of a control panel) used to measure statistics for the Intelligent Battery used by the PowerBook 5xx series.
GFormat v1.0
GFormat is a very clean and elegant storage device formatting utility which provides clear selection of the device to be initialized, including all devices on all SCSI and SATA on PCI buses, clear selection of HFS, HFS+, or DOS format scheme...
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