Found 12 software entries in System beginning with: "Z"


Zoomin' (1992)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 20:52:29)

Zoomin’ INIT - This INIT will increase your Mac's speed by 600% in opening windows, closing programs, opening programs, opening documents. Amazing. You can't believe how much faster this INIT makes things. Works on ANY Macintosh,...

Zeus (GPU Tweaking Tool)

Zeus (GPU Tweaking Tool) (2011)
(Modified on 2024-02-16 05:45:30)

I always had a general interest in technology from a young age through games. When I was 15, Apple had just switched to Intel and I got very interested in Mac. I created my first Hackintosh and later purchased a Mac Pro with my savings. The Mac Pro...

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