Found 52 software entries in System beginning with: "L"

Logitech MouseKey 1.2

Logitech MouseKey 1.2 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-06-03 21:36:07)

MouseKey is a cdev that provides extra functionality to Logitech's multi-button TrackMan and MouseMan. Later versions added support for other devices, like the TrackMan Marble.


LiteSwitch (1997)
(Modified on 2023-08-18 11:00:27)

LiteSwitch is a Mac OS implementation of the Alt-Tab feature found in another operating system.  GoMac, Proteron's popular Program Bar and Start Menu for the Mac, has LiteSwitch built in.  In response to numerous requests, LiteSwitch...

Launch Items Suite for Mac OS X

Launch Items Suite for Mac OS X (2001)
(Modified on 2019-07-20 12:19:24)

Launch Items X is a set of Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plug-ins which allow to launch the customized applications, open web pages, open folders, or open Mac OS X documents by control-clicking on the screen.  Most applications, which can...

LaserWriter Plus Kit

LaserWriter Plus Kit (1986)
(Modified on 2023-06-03 21:38:44)

The LaserWriter Plus Kit is both a software and hardware addition to the basic LaserWriter printer. You can buy the LaserWriter Plus or upgrade your present LaserWriter. Your authorized Apple dealer installs the hardware and you'll use the...

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