Found 33 software entries in System beginning with: "I" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT (1994)
(Added on 2019-03-07 08:36:21)

An extension to speed up IIsi use without giving slow disk operation. This extension is for Macintosh IIsi users, running System 7 or greater, only. The IIsi does not have VRAM, and video circuitry and the CPU must take turns to access the...

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update (2001)
(Added on 2020-11-23 14:06:17)

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update The iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update places new firmware on the Apple DVD-ROM drive installed in iMac DV+, iMac DV Special Edition, and Power Mac G4 Cube computers. This update improves the audio extraction performance of your...

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