Found 46 software entries in System beginning with: "D" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Dataton Trax 3.7.1 (and 3.6.2)

Dataton Trax 3.7.1 (and 3.6.2) (1999)
(Added on 2016-11-24 11:00:57)

Dataton TRAX is a communication sequencer. Dataton TRAX software, running on Apple Macintosh computers, communicates with various media such as slide projectors, video tape machines, laserdisc players, lighting consoles, CD and minidisc players,...

DiiMO 040 Cache

DiiMO 040 Cache (1994)
(Modified on 2023-10-12 12:20:09)

System 7 era control panel required for DiiMO Quadra Cache PDS slot cards to provide 128k of L2 cache. Includes an optional ROM shadowing capability to accelerate Macintosh Toolbox performance.

DaynaFile 2.2

DaynaFile 2.2 (1988)
(Modified on 2023-08-08 23:29:51)

Three years ago Dayna Communications stirred up debate in the Macintosh community with MacCharlie, a device that lets the Mac emulate an IBM PC. At the time a lot of Mac fanatics angrily denounced the device, asking who would want to transform a...

DiiMOCache Quadra Cache

DiiMOCache Quadra Cache (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-14 13:03:54)

These are the drivers for the DiiMOCache 128K slot-free cache card. It was designed for the Quadra 660AV, 700, 900, and 950. It is uncertain if these drivers work with any other DiiMO cache cards.

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