Found 13 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Utilities
ramBunctious is a RAM disk program for the Macintosh. The authors claim that ramBunctious maintains the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of other RAM disk programs. RAM disks are a convenient way to achieve high performance in many...
RAMDisk+ 3.x
RadiusWare - Displays 4.1, Accelerator 2.9, RadiusMath 1.5
RadiusWare disk image from 1990 including Radius Math 1.5, Radius Accelerators 2.9, and Radius Displays 4.1 with installers. Per the Readme file these versions are compatible with System 7 (accelerators need the right ROMs for this to work,...
RamDisk (1984)
RamDisk is probably the first ram disk utility for Macintosh, since it came out in 1984. It allows very simply to use some of your Mac's free RAM as a disk. RamDisk uses the disk ID # 11, therefore, make sure that there is no disk...
RAMDisk+ 2.x
RAM Disk 1.1
Another of those RAM disk utility for early 68K Mac OS versions.
Reanimator 2.0.7
Reanimator is a utility for automatically restarting all applications and background-only processes killed by another process. It can also be used to quit all running processes and restart them later. A process is a program running on your...
ResFinder 1.0
ResFinder is a small utility that lets you search for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources of a file.
Round Window (68K and PPC)
“Round Window WDEF” is a window definition function that makes it possible for you to use round windows on your Macintosh.
Red Line! v2.1.3
ramBunctious 2.0.x
RamDisk+ v2.x
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