Found 5 software entries in System beginning with: "S" from category: Patch/Update

System 7.5.5 Update

System 7.5.5 Update (1996)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 11:58:55)

First download is System 7.5.5 International Updater for System 7.5 update 2 or System 7.5.3 users on 4 floppy disks. Second download is the same thing except only for US English and it's only 3 floppies which basically correspond to the...

System 7 Pack!

System 7 Pack! (1993)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 16:57:46)

The System 7 Pack! is both a System 7 customizer and accelerator. The System 7 Pack! is an applicationnot an INITso it will not consume any memory or interfere with any other programs on your Mac. (Plus, you can put it anywhere on your hard drive...

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