Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "O"
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
OPENSTEP is the succesor of NeXTSTEP and predecesor of Mac OS X. Released by Steve Jobs shortly before NeXT, Inc. was bought by Apple, Inc.
OpenDarwin was a community-led operating system based on the Darwin system. It was founded in April 2002 by Apple Inc. and Internet Systems Consortium. Its goal was to increase collaboration between Apple developers and the free...
OS 9 Helper
What does OS 9 Helper do? OS 9 Helper allows you to install 9.2.1 or 9.2.2 on certain "Old World" Macs that Apple has decided to drop support for. OS 9.1 is the final version that Apple allows to install on anything previous to...
Original bondi blue 233mhz iMac Software Install/Restore SSW 8.5 (Français Canadien)
CD de restauration et CD d'installation des logiciels du iMac original bleu Bondi 233mhz de 1998.
Original 233mhz Bondi Blue iMac Install/Restore CD set, SSW v8.1. Disc v1.0 (CD)
This is the restore CD set for the very first, bondi blue 233mhz iMac G3, Rev A from May 1998. It only works on this model. Also, just a couple months after that original 233mhz iMac G3 came out, Mac OS 8.5 also came out (in October...
Original 233mhz Bondi Blue iMac Install/Restore CD set, SSW v8.5, Disc v1.0 1998
This is the CD set that came with the first/original bondi blue 233mhz iMac G3 (rev B) in 1998. It should also work with rev A 233mhz iMacs. See also: Same 233mhz iMac G3 install/restore CD set in french and in german
OS9.2.2 ITA
OS 9.2.2 cartellina completa compresi alcuni sowtware basta caricare la cartella completa in un HD e viene riconosciuta dal sistema provata su iMac DV400 modello 5521 processore G3 per info conttatemi pure sono disposizione.
OSX 10.5.7 Applications Install Disk, MacBook Pro 13/15-inch, 2009
Omega SANE Hack
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