Found 6 software entries in System beginning with: "K" from category: Operating Systems (OS)


KanjiTalk (1986)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 12:06:49)

KanjiTalk 1.0 was the Japanese version of the Mac OS starting from 1986 and was based on System 3.0. KanjiTalk 2.0 was based off System 4.1 in 1987. KanjiTalk 6.0 was the third main release of the Japanese Mac OS 6.0. KanjiTalk was...

KanjiTalk 7 CD-ROM

KanjiTalk 7 CD-ROM (1992)
(Modified on 2024-01-09 14:34:49)

KanjiTalk 7 is Japanese Mac System 7.1 Aside from being in Japanese, it adds the Kotoeri input method and seven Kanji TrueType fonts to the normal System 7.1 environment.  

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