Found 30 software entries in System beginning with: "I" from category: Operating Systems (OS)

iBook G3 Mac OS 9.2.2 System

iBook G3 Mac OS 9.2.2 System (1999)
(Modified on 2021-08-21 22:44:38)

This is a complete Mac OS 9.2.2 system folder, applications folder, kaleidoscope and has a lot of software preinstalled such as toast, quicktime, stuffit expander, clasilla 9.3.3 and many more. This should boot on any* HFS extended formatted hard...

IBM OS/2 Warp - PowerPC Edition

IBM OS/2 Warp - PowerPC Edition (1995)
(Modified on 2024-01-05 19:14:28)

When the first PowerPC products reached the market in 1993, they were met with enthusiasm. In addition to Apple, both IBM and the Motorola Computer Group offered systems built around the processors. Microsoft released Windows NT 3.51 for the...

iMac G5 (August 2004) Restore disks

iMac G5 (August 2004) Restore disks (2004)
(Modified on 2024-04-03 16:06:59)

These disks are used to restore the iMac G5 august 2004 to factory conditions. They include Mac OS X 10.3.5 as well some extras such as garageband, stuffit, and iphoto. The last disk contains the classic enviornment as well as the apple...

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