Found 13 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
CFM-68K 4.0
CDRM1098120,Install Me First {Macintosh Quadra 660AV,840AV} (CD)
Classic Environment for Leopard (9A241)
With the beta (9A241) OSX 10.5 Leopard build, it seemingly is possible to use the Classic Environment (Mac OS 9), a feature that Apple had removed in official OSX 10.5 Leopard builds. To make this hack work, you will need to install Mac OS X...
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.3.9 Panther
Copland D9 (Copland Developer Release: Tools Edition)
CD iMac Mac OS 8.5.1 NL + update 8.6
CD iMac Mac OS 8.5.1 in het Nederlands. Laat het opstarten toe van de iMac, en de installatie van de systeemprogrammatuur Mac OS 8.5.1. Update bestand naar Mac OS 8.6 NL is hier ook te vinden.
CD Macintosh G3 Minitour - Mac OS 8
Croatian Macintosh System Software 7- Mac OS 9, Keyboard Layouts & Fonts
Copland Complete Collection MC 2020 Repack
Mac OS Copland Full project, with a collection of test-builds, Source, DDK, Retail Builds, Information, Development Tools and a custom package with a working Copland Build ;) Enjoy and I hope to see some new apps made with this package, lets keep...
Color/Colour Classic II Installation Disks (Japanese)
8a1e3d31a0b847518e879db9a9ace691.dsk: インスト-ル 1 (Installation 1) 558a70796ca70d68c2ba3ac722999d2b.dsk: インスト-ル 2 (Installation 2) 03ede233bd370148ae9263d9bc1df06b.dsk: インスト-ル追加分 1 (Additional...
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.5.8
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