Found 26 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Control Panels
Sleeper 3.x
Sleeper is a control panel for desktop Macs that dims the screen and spins down SCSI disk drives after periods of inactivity. Separate "sleep" times can be set for the two features. Setting up via the control panel is...
Productivity can he defined as the efficient and profitable use of time. To achieve it, you need to be aware of the current line, and you must be able to set your time-keeping devices to match a recognized standard. The other utility in this pair...
Snapz Pro 1.1.1 & 2.0.1
Have you ever wondered how editors and graphic designers capture hard-to-get screenshots? Of course, you can use the Mac OS’s built-in screen capture, but its functionality is limited to desktop screens and a basic Selection tool. Most Mac...
Sav-O-Matic works by installing a time manager task which periodically posts a Command-S keydown event. Since the command S key combination is normally the equivalent used for the Save menu item, most applications treat the event as a save...
System Disk Utility
Developer alternative to startup disk control panel, including options to control Open Firmware. See:
Stepping Out II
A fact of Mac life is that most documents, even one-pagers, contain more than the physical Mac screen can show. To see more, you normally use scroll bars to tell your applications which way to shift your view. Large monitors show more of any given...
Super 7 Utilities
Snapz Pro 1
A control panel element to fix a known bug on earlier Mac systems, preventing date to go beyond year 2019. With this one the cap is moved on to 2040. Works with System 6, System 7, and Mac OS 8.
This Control Panel allows you to make tweaks to enhance the speed of your System 7 Finder
SpeakTime is an extension and control panel which allow your mac to speak a user specified phrase on start up, speak the time at different intervals, and announce any number of custom phrases at user specified times and dates. It's been...
Sweeper 2.01
Behind the scenes utility to free valuable space on disks and to speed up floppy disk access time. It does this by deleting a special database used only by the Finder called Desktop Database.
System Extending MacOS9Plus v1.0 (Extensions and Control Panels Compilation)
System Extension MacOS9 Plus is a collection of extensions, controlpanels, contextual menu and control strip modules which add, remove, or change things in your MacOS9. most files in this collection are in an already-installed mode exploded...
ScreenMan is a very nice little control panel which lets you easily import, browse and set startup screen pictures that will display in the background while your Mac OS boots up (while it's loading extensions). It accepts PICT picture...
SoftwareFPU 3.x
SoftwareFPU allows you to use software that requires an FPU on a Mac without an FPU.
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