Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "I"
from category: Control Panels
init cdev
TL;DR: Provides extension disabling on boot in System 6 or prior by holding the mouse down or Space just like Shift does in System 7, but with popup options. "init cdev" operates in two ways: as an INIT, and as a cdev...
I Beep 2 / SndControl
I Beep 2 is one of those shareware control panels for System 6 that allowed you to choose an arbitrary sound to play when some events occured, such as shutting down your computer or ejecting a disk. SndControl is the same as I Beep 2 (and by...
Incognito 1.2
Incognito is a control panel and system extension that allows you to bypass that annoying, network–based serial number protection that seems to be the Hot New Thing in copy protection. The theory is simple: when you buy a product, you get a...
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