Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Internet & Communications
Asanté EtherTalk 5.1.2
Asanté Ethernet Installer is the installer program for certain Asante network adapters such as the Asanté EN/SC and Mini EN/SC series of Ethernet to SCSI adapters. Mini EN/SC Macintosh Ethernet...
AppleShare IP 6.2 (691-2320-A,Z) (CD)
AppleLine File Transfer
[AppleLine is] an interface device that allows the Macintosh to be used as an IBM 3278-2 terminal for accessing information on large IBM mainframes. The self-contained unit connects directly to the 3274/3276 type-cluster controller coaxial cable and...
Apple Internet Router 3.0.1
"With the Apple Internet Router software, you can easily increase the size, enhance the performance and improve the management of your organization's AppleTalk network. The router offers you both local and wide-area networking flexibility....
Asanté MacRing
This is MacRing v. 3.0 software for Asanté Technologies' family of 4 Mbps (Megabit per second) and 16/4 Mbps Token-Ring Network expansion cards.
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