Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Appearance
Appearance Manager themes & add-ons (Mac OS 8/9)
First download is a collection of 40 Apperance themes for Mac OS 8.5 (WARNING: some themes are incompatible with Mac OS 8.5-8.6 and will cause major issues, including constant crashing) or later. Here is the list: 2999 A.D....
Additional MacOS Startup Screens
The generic Startup Screen can be replaced and customized by pasting a new PICT file into the resource PICT for the Startup Screen. Whenever editing System Files, be cautious and create a duplicate of the System File to ensure that any active...
Alternate WDEF
Alternate WDEF is a control panel that lets you minimize windows to floating icons you can place anywhere on the screen. It also changes the windows interface buttons.
Appearance Manager 1.0.3 (for Mac OS 7.x)
If you are using MacOS 8.0 or later, you already have the Appearance Manager so this file is not useful to you, but for those of you using MacOS 7.1 - 7.6.1, after installing this, your Macintosh will have the MacOS 8 Platinum Appearance. This will...
Aaron Font 1.0
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