Found 6 software entries in System beginning with: "W" from category: Extension

Wish I were...

Wish I were... (1996)
(Modified on 2018-11-17 17:23:17)

The "Wish I were..." control panel provides a method for a system to identify its hardware as another hardware type, via the Gestalt "mach" selector. The reason for creating this control panel was to assist individuals who...

Wacky Lights

Wacky Lights (1993)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 10:33:34)

Wacky Lights is a little INIT which plays with the lights on the Apple Extended Keyboard, bouncing them back and forth.  It is absolutely free, works under System 6 and System 7, and is smart enough to not load if you don't have an Extended...

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