Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Extension
PlainTalk Text-To-Speech
PC Compatibility Card Installer and tools [FRENCH]
ISO images of the installer CD-ROMs that came with the Apple PC compatibility card, in French. Carte de compatibilité PC — Logiciel système 7.5.3 (PC compatibility card — System software 7.5.3) Logiciel Mac OS...
Peripherals Support Drivers Compilation (1990 to 2001)
This peripherals support drivers compilation includes more than 300 system extensions, peripheral/accessories/dongle drivers and their updates for Mac models ranging from 1990 to 2001. Please download the DiskTracker catalog to instantly...
PageMark is a Macintosh extension which flashes a bar to mark the end of the previous page when you use a scrollbar control or the Page Down key to scroll down a page and reach the end of a document. When you reach the...
PPCdebKEY define the following 4 keys: Control-` to enter into the debugger. Exit with a GO command. Control-Shift-` to refresh the screen. Control-Option-` quit the current application (or the...
Plug Alert
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