Found 48 software entries
from category: Development Tools
Contextual Menu Manager (CMM) SDK
CMM SDK looks like a tiny collection of sample code and plugins to demonstrate how to implement Contextual Menus in Mac OS 8 applications.
Mac Stuff floppy disks from 1984-85-86
Various floppy disk images named "Mac Stuff" from 1984 to 1986, all of which are bootable with System 1.x on it and various utilities and apps. Not sure about the exact provenance or use of these back in the day.
691-5062-A,,Mac OS X Xcode Tools. Install Disc (CD)
691-4888-A,,Mac OS X Xcode Tools v1.1 Install Disc (CD)
691-3451-A,,Mac OS X Developer Tools. v2001-12 (CD)
WebObjects v5.2 Deployment for Mac OS X Server (CD)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (or simply "AOCE") was Apple's initiative to develop a network environment for end user consumers, notably PowerTalk, PowerShare and Open Directory. It was a complex project which overwhelmed...
NoFinder is a 7.0 only application which displays the processes currently executing in your system. To bring a process to the front you can double click on a process name. This utility also allows you to Terminate and launch processes.

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