Found 48 software entries
from category: Development Tools
Game Sprockets 1.5 (older)
Game Sprockets 1.5 is an older set of extensions/drivers that support several gaming features on your Macintosh. The GameSprockets 1.5 software package includes the following components: - DrawSprocket 1.1.4 - InputSprocket 1.4 -...
QuickDraw 3D v1.x
File System Manager 1.2 SDK
The File System Manager is the part of the Macintosh Operating System 7 that manages the use of foreign file systems. The File System Manager provides a general means by which foreign file systems can be installed, identified, and interfaced to the...
Macintosh Technology Seed Feb '96
We are pleased to include an additional seed project on this CD, called the Apple Enhanced CD Toolkit. This software works in conjunction with Toast CD Mastering software to create a 'blue book' disc. Other 1996 technology seed CD's...
Apple Developer CD Series, Volumes I & II (1989)
Apple Technology Seed 1999
PCI Power Macintosh DDK A5 (includes Mac OS 7.5.2a5c2)
Apple E.T.O. Essentials - Tools - Objects (1991)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (November 2000)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (December 2000)
Apple Developer Connection Software Seed CD-ROM (April 2001)
This is the Apple's monthly beta seed CD-ROM by Apple Developer Connection. It was used to test the pre-release versions of Apple products for the developers. April 2001 edition of ADC Seed CD contains these items: Apple System Profiler...
Aqua X Window Server for Mac OS X Beta, the final product is slated to ship when Mac OS X ships in early 2001. Xtools is a full implementation of the X Windows system running on Mac OS X. Based on X11R6.4, Xtools inherits the clean, fast, stable,...
Copland Complete Collection MC 2020 Repack
Mac OS Copland Full project, with a collection of test-builds, Source, DDK, Retail Builds, Information, Development Tools and a custom package with a working Copland Build ;) Enjoy and I hope to see some new apps made with this package, lets keep...
ObiWan 5.2
ObiWan is a general help system. ObiWan gives you access to a database through a floating window which you can pop up at any time in any application. Portions of the information can then be sent to the front window as if you had typed...
Apple Technology Seed 1997
B'sCrew FW
B'sCrew FW Version 1.0.0 to 1.0.6 or by upgrading from B'sCrew FW 2.0.0 upgrade to Upgrade to B'sCrew mini Version 2.1.0.
INIT Tracker
INIT Tracker is an INIT you place in your System Folder and loads before any other INIT and lurks behind the scenes, recordingg everything that every INIT is doing. Using INIT Tracker, programmers can underatand how other INITs work their...
Jasik’ s Debugger & Nosy
MacNosy is debugger/disassembler tool. Also it can disassemble Mac ROM.
691-3169 Mac OS X Developer Tools 10.1
PowerBook 550c ROM
The ROM file sourced from the rare Japan-only, PowerBook 550c. Checksum: B57687A5 MD5: cb9915ed5e9cfd97106618ac65c53884

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