Found 15 software entries
beginning with: a number
from category: Utilities
691-4769-A,,AppleCare Apple Service Diagnostic. v2.1.5. 2003-Dec. Supports all systems from 2003-Jan to 2003-Sep 2003 (CD)
691-4251-A,0Z,Admin Tools v10.2.3 (CD)
691-3535-A,0Z,Mac OS X v10.1.5 Server. NetBoot v2.0.4 (CD)
691-4215-A,0Z,Admin Tools v10.2.3 (CD)
691-4682-A,0Z,Admin Tools v10.3 (CD)
0Z691-6000-A, Admin Tools v10.5 (CD)
Administration tools for OSX server 10.5. These tools are for installing on a client PC that is an administrator for the server. This one is listed as v1.1 from 2007. There is also v1.17 from 2009 (OSX 10.5.8)
691-3092-A, Apple Hardware Test for iBook G4 SW v1.2
691-3598-A,0Z,Macintosh Manager v2.1.1 (CD)
691-4021-A,0Z,Applecare. Protection Plan. TechTool Deluxe from Micromat. For Mac OS 8.6 or later and Mac OS X v10.1 or later 2002 (CD)
Bootable diagnostic CD for PowerPC such as any G3. Comes with TechTool Deluxe 3.0.2 on the disk.
96050-342A,ZM,Apple Internet Connection Kit. Disc v1.2 1997 (CD)
691-5891-A,0Z,AppleCare. Protection Plan. TechTool Deluxe from Micromat 2006 (CD)
691-4914-A,0Z,Admin Tools v10.3.4 (CD)
691-4942-A,2Z,AppleCare. iBook. Mac OS X Install 2004-03 (CD)
691-2935-A,,AppleCare Protection Plan 2001 (CD)
101 Utilitaires Macintosh pour Système 7 et 6
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