Found 7 software entries
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from category: Patch/Update
System 7.x/8.x 2020 + date fix! The Date & Time control panel on System 7.1 and later is limited to a range of 1920 to 2019 by an operating system function called ToggleDate. I have created an extension that installs a patch that changes that...
691-3184-A,1Z,Mac OS X v10.1. Upgrade CD. Requires Mac OS X (CD)
691-4633-A,2Z,Mac OS X Panther v10.3. Install Disc 1. Upgrade Disc 2003 (CD)
691-3283-A,1Z,Mac OS v9.2.1. Featuring Sherlock 2. Update Disc (CD)
040 VM Update
The 040 VM Update 1.0 eliminates the tendency of certain 68040 Macs (Quadra/LC/Performa 630 series and LC/Performa 570 series machines) to hang when the 68040 processor caches and virtual memory are both active.
2004 A.D System Extension
2004 A.D is a system extension for System 6 macs that changes the epoc from 1904 to 2004. This allows setting the date beyond 2019. Incluedes a patched General control panel for system 6 that allows one to set the date up until...
691-3362-A,1Z,Mac OS 9. Featuring Sherlock 2. Mac OS 9.2.1 UPDATE disc 2001 (CD)
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