Found 9 software entries in System beginning with: a number from category: Extension


2020Patch (2021)
(Modified on 2022-10-30 16:54:08)

System 7.x/8.x 2020 + date fix! The Date & Time control panel on System 7.1 and later is limited to a range of 1920 to 2019 by an operating system function called ToggleDate. I have created an extension that installs a patch that changes that...

68K ODBC Bridge

68K ODBC Bridge (1996)
(Modified on 2023-09-13 10:53:34)

The 68K ODBC Bridge is a PowerPC-ODBC driver that makes it possible to use existing 68K drivers with a native PowerPC ODBC application. Apple and Visigenic have managed to create two completely incompatible ODBC architectures on the Macintosh....


64Units (1987)
(Modified on 2023-08-23 14:58:24)

This INIT expands the unit table to 64 entries and relocates to high memory, out of the system heap.  The original unit table is released, freeing a few precious bytes of system heap space. Expanding the unit table from its original size of...

950 Color Addition

950 Color Addition (1992)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 19:50:25)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR MACINTOSH QUADRA 950 USERS This file duplicates the printed information you may have received with the "Macintosh Quadra Extra" disk. If you received printed instructions, follow them; you do not need this...

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