Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "X"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
XLR8 MACHSpeed Control
XLR8 MAChSpeed Control is designed to provide performance and compatibility tools for Mac CPUs. It has a range of features for automated and manual configuration, testing and reporting of the CPU and Backside Caches. It supports all G3, G4 and G5...
Xserve RAID Admin Tools
Apple Xserve RAID Admin Tools Disc shipped with Xserve units equipped with the Apple RAID card, or with the RAID card itself. Used to configure the card. Requires Java to be installed, see the contained instruction manual.
Xerox PPD Installer for Phaser Printers
X1950XT ROMs for G5
Collection of drivers and bonus system itils from XLR8. No support for G4 cards, sadly.
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