Found 15 software entries
beginning with: "U"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
USB Overdrive 1.4
Make OS 8 and OS 9 support mice with scroll wheels and secondary buttons (right click). Also adds support for joysticks. If you use modern mice (which are designed for screens with a greater resolutions than those in the OS 8-9 days), you...
UniBrain FireNet
Unibrain FireNet ver. 1.1 FireNet : FireWire Networking for Macintosh. Unibrain's revolutionary FireWire Networking software gives you full ethernet compatibility at 400Mbps speeds! This is a complete, fully functional,...
USB Overdrive X
Welcome to the USB Overdrive! This release is only for Mac OS 10.2 and later, and comes with full support for both mouse and gaming devices. You will find technical support and all the latest information online at: Historical:...
USB Mass Storage 1.3.5
USB Mass Storage Support 1.3.5 is a set of USB Mass Storage Class drivers written by Apple Computer to support USB Mass Storage Class devices. USB includes the notion of Class drivers, a set of software components generally delivered by Operating...
UnMouse 4.0
The UnMouse is a compact, touch-sensitive tablet that connects to the ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) Port of your Macintosh computer. It is not only a replacement for the mouse, but acts as a function keypad and graphics tablet as well. The UnMouse is...
UMAX MagicScan 3
UMAX VistaScan 3.75.000
Driver CD for Umax Astra Scanners VistaScan version 3.75.000. Contains drivers, Presto! PageManager and OmniPage LE.
USB Adapter Card Support v1.4.1
USB Adapter Card Support Requirements USB Adapter Card Support requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh computer with PCI or CardBus slots, Mac OS 8.6 or later, and a USB adapter card. Extensions USB Support USB Device Extension USB...
USB 2.0 EHCI Support v1.0.7.5
Package containing OMI_EHCI.kext OMI_EHCI version Copyright 2002 OWC Labelled: "ALI PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller Driver"
USB 2.0 EHCI Support v3.0
Package containing OMI_EHCI.kext and OMI_USBHub.kext. OMI_EHCI version 2.0.0 OMI_USBHub version 1.0.0d1 Copyright 2001-2002 OWC Labelled: "ALI PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller Driver"
USB 2.0 EHCI Support v1.0.2.2
Package containing OMI_EHCI.kext: OMI_EHCI version 1.0.0 Copyright 2001 OMI Labelled: "NEC PCI to USB 2.0 Controller Driver"
USB Printer Sharing
USB Printer Sharing 1.0 lets you share Universal Serial Bus (USB) printers among multiple Macintosh computers using Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on physical (Ethernet) and wireless networks (AirPort). Printers are...
UniBrain FirePrint
Unibrain FirePrint ver. 1.1 FirePrint FireWire Printing for Macintosh. Unibrain's revolutionary FireWire Printing software along with Unibrain's interface card plugged into your Hewlett Packard printer EIO...
Utilities for Fujifilm Digital Camera (version 2.2)
This disc was included with the Fujifilm Finepix 1300 digital camera which was sold in 2000. Only the Macintosh contents of the disc are available currently, I can archive the Windows files if needed. The contents are for the classic Mac OS,...
UMAX Scanner CD Version 1.08
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