Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "U"
from category: Utilities
Utilitaire de réinitialisation iPod 1.0.3 pour Mac [Universal langages]
Utilisez l’Utilitaire de réinitialisation iPod pour rétablir les réglages d’origine sur les modèles d’iPod suivants, dans les cas où iTunes n’y parvient pas : • iPod shuffle (de...
Unlockupd - OSX patch for Lookupd instability in OSX 10.0-10.4
Unlockupd (created by John Bafford - is a background process that forces OSX's overtaxed Lookupd daemon to quit and restart if it become unresponsive. Lookupd-hangs manifest as Finder Lockups,...
US International Keyboard Layout
Many international users have keyboards with the U.S. layout, and are accustomed to typing accented characters with the key sequences of the Windows "U.S. - International" keyboard layout. They often don't wish to get used to the...
Utilities for Fujifilm Digital Camera (version 2.2)
This disc was included with the Fujifilm Finepix 1300 digital camera which was sold in 2000. Only the Macintosh contents of the disc are available currently, I can archive the Windows files if needed. The contents are for the classic Mac OS,...
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3337264 old Mac files, totaling more than 674082.5GB!
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