Found 50 software entries in System beginning with: "T"

Talking Moose and His Cartoon Carnival

Talking Moose and His Cartoon Carnival (1991)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 15:12:05)

Are you feeling kind of lonely lately? Need some company while you’re chained to that keyboard? Maybe you should consider a talking moose. The first Talking Moose began appearing on Macintosh screens in 1986 as a shareware desk accessory. It...


Theminator (2000)
(Modified on 2023-06-28 18:16:25)

ALPHA SOFTWARE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Theminator is the newest appearance editor for the Mac OS. It allows editing of Mac OS 8.5 and Mac OS X Appearances (as far as you are able to edit Appearances on Mac OS X...). It's main advantage at...


TaskMenuBar (2001)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 18:05:19)

TaskMenuBar is a control panel that enables you to pin applications to the top menubar in Mac OS (7, 8 and 9).  Clicking any of those apps will switch them to foreground.  There is also an option to auto-hide any other app when you switch...


TinkerTool (2002)
(Modified on 2024-12-12 10:14:53)

TinkerTool is an additional control panel for the System Preferences application that allows users to access more operating system settings than are usually visible in the standard panels. Additionally, TinkerTool can change the startup and login...


TotalFinder (2009)
(Modified on 2024-02-06 15:04:22)

Motto: Let's teach Finder new tricks! No, make Finder rock! It is finally possible under Snow Leopard with SIMBL. Features: TABS like in Google Chrome! Add a dual-panel mode (like in good old Norton Commander) Make...

Tiger Recovery Utilities (Custom Pack)

Tiger Recovery Utilities (Custom Pack) (2021)
(Modified on 2024-02-02 16:02:43)

This is a custom Tiger Recovery Partition I designed for PPC macs. Although this is a compressed .CDR image, you must set this as a separate partition for it to work properly. OR... you could burn it to a DD, DL DVD. It includes Safari,...

Today’s the Day

Today’s the Day (2023)
(Modified on 2024-01-02 19:25:08)

Drop this in your System Folder (or Extensions folder under System 7) so that the Finder under Systems 6/7 (and probably, I think, back much farther than that) will show files modified today or yesterday as “Today” or...

The Radius Accelerator

The Radius Accelerator (1988)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 11:58:21)

The Radius Accelerator series of accelerator boards were made for the Macintosh 512Ke, Plus, and SE. They were equipped with either a 16 MHz or 25 MHz MC68020 CPU with an optional MC68881 FPU, and 32 KB SRAM cache.

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