Found 3 software entries in System beginning with: "S" from category: Novelties & Fun

ShapeShifter (OSX theming)

ShapeShifter (OSX theming) (2003)
(Modified on 2023-04-30 16:05:34)

ShapeShifter lets you change the overall appearance of your Mac OS X computer using themes, very much like Kaleidoscope did with earlier classic Mac OS versions.  It can change the look of windows, menus, apps, buttons, cursors and...


SoundMaster (1997)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 17:00:39)

SoundMaster is a nice and free control panel addition for System 6 or 7 that lets you set a custom sound to play for each specific Mac OS event, such as when you press a key, empty the trash, shut down your computer, etc... Starting from Mac OS...

Squeaky Toy

Squeaky Toy (1997)
(Added on 2017-11-14 17:29:50)

Squeaky Toy is an extension which once activated, turns your mouse into a literal squeaky toy. Each click of the mouse will emit the high pitch squeak that everyone knows and loves. This is garenteed to not at all become...

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