Found 65 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
SuperVideo for SuperMac Graphics Cards
Driver software for SuperMac video cards.
StyleWriter 1200
Contains 5 800k Disk Images - One installation program disk and four installer disks. The Manual mentions installer compatabilitry with System 7.1 and above. (6.0.7/6.0.8: Rumors have that the driver (chooser document) is compatible with...
Sonnet Crescendo/Encore Processor Upgrade Drivers
Shiva Modem Driver
Contains Config, Dial-In, EtherGate, NetModem, NetSerial
SuperMac SpeedCard 1.6 Driver
This is the driver software for the SuperMac SpeedCard, an accelerator card for the Macintosh SE. It comes equipped with a 16 MHz MC68000 CPU and a MC68881 FPU.
Soft Pivot 3.2.1 for Radius Pivot Display
Soft Pivot version 3.2 enables a Radius Pivot Display connected to Macintosh built-in video to operate in both portrait and landscape orientations and take advantage of RadiusWare features. Soft Pivot software consists of a system extension...
Sony Reader Library
Reader Library (Also known as eBook Library) is mainly provided for those using 10.4 as this is the older codebase to the later Reader software that requires running 10.5 at the minimum. While this software may also run on 10.5 and 10.6, for...
Some System 7.0.1 "Essentials"
System 7 Tune-Up, an updater for system 7.0.1 CD ROM installer install this second to make the Cd ROM compatible with more drive brands AppleShare Workstation Network Software Installer (NSI)
System 7.5.3 (PowerBook 1400) (CD)
SCSI Tools
Control panel to re-scan and (un)mount SCSI drives
Sonnet Crescendo G3 -L2 Upgrade Card
These are the drivers for the Sonnet Crescendo G3 upgrade cards for L2 or NuBus-equipped Power Macintosh computers
A control panel element to fix a known bug on earlier Mac systems, preventing date to go beyond year 2019. With this one the cap is moved on to 2040. Works with System 6, System 7, and Mac OS 8.
Sonnet Tempo-X SATA 4+4
The Sonnet Tempo-X SATA 4+4 is an 8-port SATA, PCI-X controller card with 4 internal and 4 external SATA ports.
SuperSpool 3.1
The major spooler for the ImageWriter is SuperSpool from SuperMac Software. It sells for $59.95, and versions of the program sold from late 1987 on are compatible with the MultiFinder. Older versions of SuperSpool installed as an application...
Sony Reader™ version
Benefits and improvements This utility updates the Reader™ for Mac software to version and includes the following changes: The "Kobo Store" icon and link replace the...
SIM express
You can edit the different phonebooks stored in your phone, and exchange information with desktop applications. There are two ways available in SIM express to do this: If you just need to quickly add names to the phone or change a number, use the...
Stealth Serial Port
Since 1989 Santa Barbara Instrument Group has been the leader in Cooled CCD Cameras for Astronomy. From the inexpensive ST-4 to the state of the art ST-8 SBIG has revolutionized CCD imaging for amateurs and professionals.
SMC 2208 USB Ethernet Driver
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