Found 33 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Utilities
Sleeper 3.x
Sleeper is a control panel for desktop Macs that dims the screen and spins down SCSI disk drives after periods of inactivity. Separate "sleep" times can be set for the two features. Setting up via the control panel is...
Snapz Pro 2.x
Have you ever wondered how editors and graphic designers capture hard-to-get screenshots? Of course, you can use the Mac OS’s built-in screen capture, but its functionality is limited to desktop screens and a basic Selection tool. Most Mac...
Snapz Pro 1.x
Screen snapshot utility app that offers a few options and picture export formats than Apple's CMD-SHIFT-3 shortcut.
System Disk Utilities
Developer alternative to startup disk control panel, including options to control Open Firmware. See:
Startup Player
Startup Player is a definitely cool extension that plays a sound over and over until all other extensions have loaded and the Finder comes out. The sound must be in a Finder sound file called "Startup Loop" inside the Extensions folder (or...
This Control Panel allows you to make tweaks to enhance the speed of your System 7 Finder
Some System 7.0.1 "Essentials"
System 7 Tune-Up, an updater for system 7.0.1 CD ROM installer install this second to make the Cd ROM compatible with more drive brands AppleShare Workstation Network Software Installer (NSI)
System 7.0.1 BlueSCSI bootable image for Macintosh Plus (with Mac ROM-inator tools)
Spring Cleaning
SCSI Tools
Control panel to re-scan and (un)mount SCSI drives
SoftwareFPU 3.x
SoftwareFPU allows you to use software that requires an FPU on a Mac without an FPU.
Spring Cleaning 2.0
Although the vernal equinox is still a few months away, it’s never too early to tidy up your Mac with Spring Cleaning, a utility designed to clear hard drive clutter by removing unnecessary files, folders, and fonts. Improvements in version...
A mini finder replacement.
SweetJAM 7.0
SweetJAM is an unobtrusive Japanese language system for Mac computers, running on an English Mac OS. Originally released in 1985 as "Mac Nihongo OS" for the Macintosh 128k, it preceded Apple's KanjiTalk by a whole year. Once...
Spring Cleaning 5
Despite our natural aversion (as slobs) to its name and our disappointment with prior releases, Aladdin’s Spring Cleaning 5.0 is a program we really wanted to like. The difference in this version is Mac OS X, of course. The program comes with...
This application is used to prevent the computer from going to sleep without changing system settings. ATTENTION! Using your Mac with closed lid can lead to serious system heat problems! Main features of ...
Spring Cleaning 1.0
Spring Cleaning 6
System 7 Pack!
The System 7 Pack! is both a System 7 customizer and accelerator. The System 7 Pack! is an applicationnot an INITso it will not consume any memory or interfere with any other programs on your Mac. (Plus, you can put it anywhere on your hard drive...
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