Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Beta
System 7.0a9 (May 1990)
This was the may 1990 release of Macintosh System Software 7.0a9 (which most likely means 7.0 alpha 9). Along with an early/development version of the operating system, the disc included lots of developer tools and other special...
System 7.0b4 (February 1991)
System 1.0 (August 1983 builds)
System 7 Release 7.1b7 CD (Beta)
System 7 Release 7.1b7 is one of the System 7 Beta releases, that Apple (and other beta testers), used to test software on it, and any bugs that are found, are sent using an Apple's specific service (that maybe found on the Readme file, on the...
System 7.5.4
System 7.5.4 is a cancelled version of System 7, which was seeded in September 1996. Due to a bug found in that version, distribution was halted after several hours and replaced with System 7.5.5. - (BetaWiki)
System 7.5.3 Betas
System 7.1 Betas
System 6.0.6b19
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