Found 45 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
PLI Quick SCSI Utility
PLI Quick SCSI Utility is software for PLI's Quick SCSI NuBus card, which is a SCSI-2 accelerator.
Prodigy SE Utility and Driver Software Disk
Levco's Prodigy SE™ is an accelerator card for the Macintosh SE adding a 16MHz Motorola 68020 and an 68881 FPU. The Prodigy SE™ had its own 120ns RAM and a PDS Slot. One file is a raw dump from the AMD AM27256 EPROM...
PowerBook G3 Lombard Software Install
PowerBook G3 Lombard Software Install CD's. Part number DK691-2373-A is the Danish version. Part number Z691-2373-A is the English version.
PowerKey v2
PL2303 Prolific USB to Serial Cable driver
Driver for the USB - UART converter based on the PL2303 chip.
Pioneer LD Vision
Pioneer CD-ROM Driver
PowerPrint (several versions)
PowerPrint was a combination of hardware and software that would allow a PC Printer with a Centronics parallel port to be used by a Macintosh computer. The software was designed to use a special adapter (included in the package) that would allow the...
PC Card Software 2.0 for PowerBook 500 series
Personal LaserWriter NT Fonts/Drivers
PLI Cartridge Tools
PLI Formatter 3.3 format cartridges DOS Transfer 2.3 read and write to DOS formatted cartridges RemvInit 3.3 allows your system to recognise Infiinnity drives even with no cartridge inserted
PowerBook Solar Panels
PMO Formatter
Pioneer CD Vision 3.5J
Palm Connect Serial Kit
PS/2 to ADB Adapter
PlusDrive Prep 1.4
PlusCom Prep was reportedly found on some random Macintosh IIci hard drive. It is not known what the purpose of this INIT might be. Pluscom was a German company that sold external devices for the Macintosh market, including floppy, CD-ROM, and MO...
PowerLogix Altivec Enabler v1.1 b2
PowerMac 9600 "TwinTurbo 128" Drivers (modded for 1080 display)
PortGear Installer
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