Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Beta
PPC Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Beta 9A241
9A241 is an early Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard beta release and one of the only builds that still supported Classic Environment (Mac OS 9.2.2 in OSX) before Apple finally prevented official builds from running it. Mac OS X 10.5 beta (9A241) is also said...
Paris (Mac II) System 2.0b4
System Software 2.0B4 for the Macintosh II and possibly Macintosh SE Includes - System 4.1b1 and Finder 5.4
PowerTalk Beta (1.2.3b3, 1.2.3f3)
PowerTalk's goal was to simply the management of Macintosh networks and was developped by Apple in the mid 1990's, under the System 7 era. PowerTalk's introduced the Keychain concept used in later Mac OS versions.
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