Found 8 software entries in System beginning with: "P" from category: Patch/Update

PowerPC Interrupt Extension

PowerPC Interrupt Extension (1996)
(Modified on 2023-05-17 12:16:56)

This extension fixed a bug in System 7.5.5 Update that only affected PowerPC Macs.  It will help prevent a Power Macintosh running that very specific Mac OS release from freezing. Apple wrote: The PowerPC Interrupt Extension applies a...

PowerMac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8

PowerMac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8 (2001)
(Modified on 2020-08-30 07:43:29)

The Power Mac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8 will run only on Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4 models with AGP graphics running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local hard disk. If you are using Mac OS X on your Power Mac G4 or Macintosh Server G4, you must...

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