Found 34 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
Power Mac G5 Restore Disc Media
Original restore disc media that was provided in the box with a new Power Mac G5 computer. Power Mac G5 (Early 2005) - Mac OS X 10.4.2: 691-5025-A (Install Disc 1) - suitable for expanding and burning to DVD. 691-5535-A (Install Disc 2) -...
PowerBook G3 Series Restore CD
This PowerBook G3 Series CD image contains a copy of all the software that was originally installed on your hard disk. You can restore the complete set of software to the hard disk (or make a copy on another disk) using the Apple Software Restore...
PPC Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Beta 9A241
9A241 is an early Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard beta release and one of the only builds that still supported Classic Environment (Mac OS 9.2.2 in OSX) before Apple finally prevented official builds from running it. Mac OS X 10.5 beta (9A241) is also said...
Power Mac G4 Software Restore Mac OS 9 & Mac OS X applications Mac OS v9.2.2 Disc v1.0 2002 (CD)
Power Mac G4 Software Install/Restore SSW v9.0.4 (Z-International) for Power Mac G4 Gigabit Disc v2.2 (CD)
PowerBook G3 Lombard Software Install
PowerBook G3 Lombard Software Install CD's. Part number DK691-2373-A is the Danish version. Part number Z691-2373-A is the English version.
Patcher Tools
Patcher tools for "unsupported Macs" that allows you to install the system above 10.10 Yosemite.
PowerBook Software Install Z691-2388-A
Software Restore for PowerBook
Power Macintosh G3 Minitower and Desktop Computers SSW 8.5, Z691-2121-A
Software install & Restore for Power Mac G3 Minitoward and Desktop Computers
Paris (Mac II) System 2.0b4
System Software 2.0B4 for the Macintosh II and possibly Macintosh SE Includes - System 4.1b1 and Finder 5.4
PowerBook G4 400/500, Mac OS 9.1, Installera / Återskapa program / AHT [SWEDISH]
Power Mac G4. Mac OS X v10.2 Install 2002 (CD)
Power Mac G5 (original/2003) Software Install and Restore (Mac OS X 10.3 Panther) German (Deutsch)
PCI Power Macintosh DDK A5 (includes Mac OS 7.5.2a5c2)
Power Mac G4 Install/Restore software [TAIWAN]
Power Mac G4 Install/Restore software SSW Version 9.1 CD Version 1.2 P/N: TA691-2985-A + TA691-2986-A This restore software OS 9.1 was bundled with Power Mac G4 circa 2001. You can press "C" key to boot from it upon...
Power Mac G4 Software Restore (5 CD set) Mac OS 9.2.2 + OSX 10.1.3, Disc v1.0 2002 (CD)
Professional MachTen (68K)
A BSD Unix implementation for 68k - including a basic GNU C compiler, X Windows server, virtual memory and memory protection. In its day it was the only option available to run Unix on a 68k PowerBook.
PowerBook 1400 System 7.5.3 and 7.6 Updates
Software to follow in a few week's time
Performa 630 Series DOS Compatible (CD)
PowerBook G4 Titanium 867 MHz/1 GHz (“Antimony”) Software Install and Restore Discs (Mac OS X 10.2.3 & Mac OS 9.2.2)
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