Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "O"
from category: Networking
Open Transport 1.1.2
OT installer for 68k Macintosh. AFP over IP requires apple share client 3.7.2 or higher.
OrangeWare Wireless Driver for Mac 3.1
The Macintosh wireless driver from OrangeWare allows Mac OS X users, version 10.2 and newer, to use Atheros-based 802.11a/b/g desktop and laptop cards with an Airport access point (as well as any PC-orientated access point). Good for those looking...
Open Transport 1.3.1 Universal Installer
I downloaded this network installer version of Open Transport 1.3.1 from a forum post and carefully converted it to a HFS formatted iso so that it easily works on emulators and emulated CD drives.
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