Found 74 software entries in System beginning with: "M" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Misc Mac Drivers (1990 - 1997)

Misc Mac Drivers (1990 - 1997) (1990)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 12:51:48)

This is a miscellenaous archive containing, for the most part, old Mac drivers for pheripherals like printers, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, modems, ethernet cards, TV tuners, etc... and even drivers for Apple printers for Windows 3.1 and...

Matrox RTMac

Matrox RTMac (2000)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 10:20:22)

Matrox RTMac is a PCI card for G4 PowerMacs which performs video I/O and basic compositing for previewing edits, fades, transitions, etc. It's a pretty cheap way to set up an old PPC Mac for working with video. Read the compatibility notes! This...

Mac Drivers Museum Archive (1990-2003)

Mac Drivers Museum Archive (1990-2003) (2003)
(Modified on 2018-10-22 17:13:12)

Mac Driver Museum was a website ( hosting more than 200 drivers for 1990's Macintosh components such as: accelerator cards, network adapters, tape and various types of disk drives, FM tuners, input devices such as joysticks...

Macintosh System Enablers

Macintosh System Enablers (1998)
(Modified on 2024-01-05 23:21:59)

System Enablers are system patches which purpose was to expand the System software so that it makes otherwise unsupported Macintosh models boot.  System Enablers are only useful for Mac OS 7.6.  Back in the 80's, every time a new...


MacinTalk (1985)
(Modified on 2023-07-31 23:00:56)

MacinTalk is Apple's text-to-speech, or speech synthesizer, extension that allows Mac documents to "talk" their text using a range of computerized voices. MacinTalk (v1.0.2) was relased on April 15, 1985 and works on Mac OS 1.x to...

Macintosh ROM archive

Macintosh ROM archive (1984)
(Modified on 2024-11-26 11:25:57)

"" – Archive contents: F1A6F343 - Centris 610,650.ROM A49F9914 - Classic (with XO ROMDisk).rom 3193670E - Classic II.ROM ECD99DC0 - Color Classic.ROM EDE66CBD - Color Classic II & LC 550...

Macs Fan Control

Macs Fan Control (2013)
(Added on 2024-10-01 15:17:15)

Macs Fan Control - control fans of any Mac & Boot Camp! Software solution to: Noise problems e.g. caused by iMac HDD replacement Overheating problems e.g. on Macbook Pro Change fan speed: Set any constant value to...

Mac OS 8.6 ROM Update 1.0

Mac OS 8.6 ROM Update 1.0 (1999)
(Modified on 2024-01-06 17:05:16)

About Mac OS ROM Update 1.0 Based on customer and developer feedback, Apple has made improvements to its software for the iMac, blue & white Power Macintosh G3 and bronze keyboard PowerBook G3 Series customers. The Mac OS ROM Update 1.0...


Mac286 (1987)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 12:11:54)

The Phoenix Technologies MS-DOS boards, mentioned in the April issue coverage of addons for the two new Macs, will be marketed by AST Research of Irvine, California. Both boards, which will probably be available by the end of the year, will allow...

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