Found 4 software entries in System beginning with: "M" from category: Appearance

Mac Identifier

Mac Identifier (1997)
(Modified on 2023-02-12 15:31:22)

Mac Identifier is a control panel designed for users who can't stand the thought of their Mac not knowing its own model designation or what itself looks like :P Mac Identifier 2.2 effectively lets you change the icon and text that appears in the...

Mighty Mouse

Mighty Mouse (2003)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 19:40:06)

Customize your mouse cursor by animating, changing its size, or using custom cursors made by users, you, or imported from Windows XP made ones.


MICN (1991)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 19:07:43)

MICN is a control panel which allows you to change their menubar text labels for (B&W) icons.  In MICN, you can draw B&W icons directly in the control panel and they're saved internally.  Many pre-made icons are...

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