Found 7 software entries in System beginning with: "L" from category: Control Panels


LiteSwitch (1997)
(Modified on 2023-08-18 11:00:27)

LiteSwitch is a Mac OS implementation of the Alt-Tab feature found in another operating system.  GoMac, Proteron's popular Program Bar and Start Menu for the Mac, has LiteSwitch built in.  In response to numerous requests, LiteSwitch...

LocalTalk Bridge 2.1

LocalTalk Bridge 2.1 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 21:41:42)

Apple LocalTalk Bridge is an unsupported control panel from Apple that provides a bridge between LocalTalk and Ethernet networks. LocalTalk Bridge 2.1 Information The Apple LocalTalk Bridge is an unsupported tool used to share LocalTalk-only...

LiteSwitch X

LiteSwitch X (2003)
(Modified on 2023-05-04 11:45:26)

Introduction LiteSwitch X is an incredibly powerful keyboard application switcher for Mac OS X.  It offers keyboard switching in a style that blends beautifully with Aqua without compromising features or power. This is the official...

ledPPC 3.0

ledPPC 3.0 (1996)
(Added on 2021-04-08 16:48:50)

ledPPC is a system extension that flashes LEDs on an extended keyboard according to activity from a floppy drive, SCSI device (hard disk, CD-ROM drive, etc.), modem, printer or AppleTalk. In addition ledPPC lets you easily patch three OS procedures...

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