Found 90 software entries
beginning with: "I"
iMac 2006 Software Restore Medias (2Z691-5859-A,2Z691-5862-A)
iMac Firmware Update 1.2
This is for tray-loading iMacs. The iMac Firmware Update 1.2 should be installed on all iMac computers used in NetBoot client environments. Features delivered with this update include improved support of NetBooting and minor improvements to Open...
init cdev
TL;DR: Provides extension disabling on boot in System 6 or prior by holding the mouse down or Space just like Shift does in System 7, but with popup options. "init cdev" operates in two ways: as an INIT, and as a cdev...
Iomega Zip Installer 5.5.1
iMac. Mac OS X Install Disc 1. Mac OS v10.4.4. AHT v3A100. Disc v1.1 (DVD)
IBM OS/2 Warp - PowerPC Edition
When the first PowerPC products reached the market in 1993, they were met with enthusiasm. In addition to Apple, both IBM and the Motorola Computer Group offered systems built around the processors. Microsoft released Windows NT 3.51 for the...
Install media (Mac OS X 10.4.4) & OS 9 for Power Mac G5 Quad
This media set came with a Power Mac G5 Quad and contains: - Mac OS X Install Disc 1 10.4.4 (2Z691-5724-A), Mac OS X 10.4.4 - Mac OS X Install Disc 2 10.4.4 (2Z691-5607-A), Applications - Mac OS 9 Install Disc (2Z691-5721-A), OS 9
iBook G3 Mac OS 9.2.2 System
This is a complete Mac OS 9.2.2 system folder, applications folder, kaleidoscope and has a lot of software preinstalled such as toast, quicktime, stuffit expander, clasilla 9.3.3 and many more. This should boot on any* HFS extended formatted hard...
IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT
An extension to speed up IIsi use without giving slow disk operation. This extension is for Macintosh IIsi users, running System 7 or greater, only. The IIsi does not have VRAM, and video circuitry and the CPU must take turns to access the...
Theme Information IrieMac v1.1 MacOS Appearance Theme. If you have v1.0.1 or v1.0.2 you should update to v1.1. This Theme was design to represent my web site IrieMac. that why I name the Theme IrieMac. This program is...
iMac G3 install/restore CD v1.0 & v1.1 (Mac OS 8.6)
691-2313-A and 691-2314-A (as well as 691-2375-A and 691-2376-A) are the first generation iMac and fruit colors (first generation, tray loading) iMac install and restore CD's (Mac OS 8.6 / restore disk v1.0). It supports those early...
iMac G5 (August 2004) Restore disks
These disks are used to restore the iMac G5 august 2004 to factory conditions. They include Mac OS X 10.3.5 as well some extras such as garageband, stuffit, and iphoto. The last disk contains the classic enviornment as well as the apple...
iMac G4 (2002) Software Install/Restore (8 CD set) Mac OS v10.1.2, v9.2.2
This is the initial restore CD set for the iMac G4 from summer 2002. Just a couple weeks after it came out, there was a second restore CD set released with Mac OS X 10.2
Iomega Zip Tools 4.3.x
ImageWriter I/II direct-connect
iPod 2005 CD [2Z691-5504-A]
Enjoy drivers/software for your old iPods!
iProof Systems PowerRIP X 7
PowerRIP X™ is a PostScript Level 3 Compatible RIP (Raster Image Processor) for Epson Inkjet Printers designed to be used with Apple’s OSX 10.2 or later. All OSX10.2 applications can print directly to PowerRIP X. -...
iProof PowerRIP 2000 v. 5.x
PowerRIP 2000 turns your ink jet printer into a PostScript® Level 3 compatible printer. PowerRIP 2000, a software raster image processor (RIP) for the Macintosh® computer, reads and interprets PostScript 3 and allows your printer to print...
iPod (3th gen) and iPod Mini (1st gen) Driver CD 2Z691-5196-A (German)
Old iPod Driver Disc with: iTunes 4.6 Quicktime 6.3.1 (for 10.1), Quicktime 6.5.1 iPod 20040806 patch
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