Found 36 software entries in System beginning with: "I" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT (1994)
(Added on 2019-03-07 08:36:21)

An extension to speed up IIsi use without giving slow disk operation. This extension is for Macintosh IIsi users, running System 7 or greater, only. The IIsi does not have VRAM, and video circuitry and the CPU must take turns to access the...

iProof Systems PowerRIP X 7

iProof Systems PowerRIP X 7 (2003)
(Modified on 2024-12-09 16:05:35)

PowerRIP X™ is a PostScript Level 3 Compatible RIP (Raster Image Processor) for Epson Inkjet Printers designed to be used with Apple’s OSX 10.2 or later. All OSX10.2 applications can print directly to PowerRIP X.  -...

iProof PowerRIP 2000 v. 5.x

iProof PowerRIP 2000 v. 5.x (2000)
(Modified on 2024-12-04 15:27:23)

PowerRIP 2000 turns your ink jet printer into a PostScript® Level 3 compatible printer. PowerRIP 2000, a software raster image processor (RIP) for the Macintosh® computer, reads and interprets PostScript 3 and allows your printer to print...

Iomega Zip Install Disk v4.21

Iomega Zip Install Disk v4.21 (1995)
(Modified on 2023-10-25 18:41:10)

The physical floppy disk is labeled "Version 4.21" but all the files on the disk say version 4.2. To use the installer on the floppy disk, expand Zip-Tools-4-2.sit onto a Zip disk titled "Zip Tools 4.2" then run the installer...

Intelligent Battery

Intelligent Battery (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-28 15:26:12)

What is the Intelligent Battery Recondition software? The batteries of the PowerBook 500 series computers are “intelligent”, which means they have a small microprocessor in them that monitors the battery’s status.  The...

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