Found 10 software entries in System beginning with: "I" from category: Extension

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT

IIsi RAM-Muncher INIT (1994)
(Added on 2019-03-07 08:36:21)

An extension to speed up IIsi use without giving slow disk operation. This extension is for Macintosh IIsi users, running System 7 or greater, only. The IIsi does not have VRAM, and video circuitry and the CPU must take turns to access the...


INIThound (1990)
(Modified on 2023-10-09 14:28:50)

This is stritly pro gear. A nonprogrammer might find most of the INIThound output interesting, but there's not much more that anyone but a programmer, network administrator, or system administrator can do with it but stand back and...

Instant Folders

Instant Folders (1997)
(Modified on 2023-08-18 10:44:08)

Instant Folders is the ultimate solution to navigate through directories (wow!). It lets you reach any folder on any disk with a single click, directly from "Open..." and "Save..." dialog boxes. It's as easy as using...

ICeTEe 2

ICeTEe 2 (1997)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 15:24:10)

ICeTEe 2 is a system extension that makes it possible to launch non-clickable links from any application that uses Mac OS' built-in text editing code such as SimpleText or Eudora. Just command-click on the URL or email address and Internet...

IdleTime INIT

IdleTime INIT (1993)
(Added on 2023-01-25 21:28:20)

#### DIRECTORY icon **** #### BINHEX idletime-init.hqx **** From: Subject: IdleTime init The IdleTime INIT returns the number of clock ticks since the last keystroke, disk insertion, mouse movement or mouse...

INIT Tracker

INIT Tracker (1992)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:40:45)

INIT Tracker is an INIT you place in your System Folder and loads before any other INIT and lurks behind the scenes, recordingg everything that every INIT is doing.  Using INIT Tracker, programmers can underatand how other INITs work their...

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