Found 5 software entries in System beginning with: "G" from category: Control Panels & Extensions

GoMac 2.0.2

GoMac 2.0.2 (1999)
(Modified on 2024-03-14 08:31:55)

Action GoMac is a utility that gives your mac the function of a Windows taskbar, quick launch, and start menu. Please note that it is not completely realistic in that it does not totally make your computer look like Windows, but if you don't...

GearBox 1.5

GearBox 1.5 (1997)
(Modified on 2023-06-25 18:38:13)

Passive Configuration with Internet Config GearBox configures Internet Config 1.x, which is supported by many other Internet applications—for instance, Microsoft's Internet Explorer. You can set up any application which supports...

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