Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "E"
from category: Extension
Eject-Me-Not is an extension that disables the Finder's "Eject" command and "steers" users toward the proper use of the "Put Away" command for removing floppy disks (and other removables). The use of the...
Extensions Manager
Extensions Manager allows you turn "off" or "on" the code that executes at startup in certain "extension documents" such as Control Panels, Chooser devices and INITs (known before as startup documents). With System...
Elixir is an extension which enables your mac to view Chinese (GB, HZ and BIG5), Japanese and Korean in all the programs that allow you to change text fonts. Registration Information: Go to the Elixir Menu > About...
Extension List
“Extension List” lists each system extension by name as your computer starts up, so that you can identify the extensions by name as they load. The names, icons, and startup details are all logged to a file which can be...
EjectDisk is an extremely useful extension/application combination - once you start using it you will wonder how you ever lived without it! By pressing a key combination (which you can easily change) you can eject floppy disks, Zip/SyQuest/Jaz disks...
Extension Conflict
This program may help you determine if there are any inconistencies between your installed set of extensions. It is quite intuitive, use the Extensions menu and just select "Check Conflicts" to determine possible Extension conflicts on...
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