Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "D"
from category: Appearance
DubDub Scroll Bars
Mitch Crane's "DubDub Scroll Bars" is an AppleScript for Mac OS 8.5 through 9.2.x that activates/unlocks bi-directional scroll arrows at each end of each scroll bar; This feature could be set in the Appearance Manager in pre-release...
DeskPicture 4.0
DesktopConsole allows you to display the system console or any log file on the Desktop. DesktopConsole's features include: • View the system console or any log file on the Desktop. • AppleScript support (scriptable and...
DragAnyWindow 2.0
DragAnyWindow 2.0 Moves those previously unmovable windows. Great for compact Macs.

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