Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: Contextual Menus
Finder clippings are a great idea, but they have limitations: while you can drag data to the Finder without interrupting what you're doing, you must then deal with a stack of Text Clipping 1, Text Clipping 2, etc. There is no way to know...
CacheMaster is a handy application to assist with deleting the created files by your Internet browser. This solves the time to go manually to your preferences folder and delete the files individually. Balloon help is fully supported. Place it in...
CMTools 3.0
CMTools is a contextual menu suite that adds many useful shortcuts to the contextual menu (control+click or right click). CMTools is a plug-in that extends the Contextual Menu of Mac OS 8. In programs that support the Contextual Menu, such...
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