Found 4 software entries in System beginning with: "C" from category: Patch/Update

cRussify Mac

cRussify Mac (1997)
(Modified on 2023-10-26 08:02:55)

cRussify is "Macintosh Russification the easy way." What cRussify does is patch your US English Mac OS system to "understand" Russian script.  It does not use extensions or control panels as opposed to other solutions, so...


ClarusX2005 (2005)
(Modified on 2020-07-27 17:14:06)

From the Readme First document... ClarusX2005 Written by Roby Sherman The original Clarus the Dogcow design was created by Susan Kare, but you already knew...


CdY2KPatch (1999)
(Modified on 2017-11-08 17:32:36)

There is only one bug in Cyberdog that has been found to cause problems beyond beginning of the year 2000. It deals only with the "Date" field in E-mail messages and Newsgroup posts. This bug does not affect the reading or...

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