Found 42 software entries in System beginning with: "B"

Big Menu

Big Menu (1989)
(Modified on 2023-08-29 15:34:03)

Big Menu... enlarges the menu bar (and its pull-down menus) to either 14- or 16point type. Installing Big Menu usually results in larger print in dialog boxes and window titles, too. The pointer, however, stays its normal size. For users who do not...

Better Edit Keys

Better Edit Keys (1996)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 16:14:32)

Better Edit Keys is a cool system enhancement that allows you to use the shift, option and control keys with the arrows, delete, forward delete and clear keys in any standard text editing field, including basic text editors such as SimpleText. This...


BootMania (2013)
(Added on 2023-07-27 13:43:31)

BootMania, that enables multiple computer to boot from a single disk image over IP network. Easily create NetBoot or NetInstall images from installation CD/DVD, the Internet or installed OS.   BootMania became freeware -...

BeOS release 4.5.2

BeOS release 4.5.2 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-06-11 04:02:50)

Be Operating System for most beige PowerPC macs with a PCI bus and a 603/slower 604 processor (NOT 601 or G3 processors). Please check the compatibility notes below first. To install you will need the SimpleText file...

Belkin USB Serial Adapter for Macintosh

Belkin USB Serial Adapter for Macintosh (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-21 14:25:47)

The F5UO03-MAC is a USB to Serial port adapter. Compatible devices include Palm, Newton, and Psion PDAs, Wacom tablets, digital cameras, dial-up and ISDN modems, and numerous printers from Apple, Epson, and HP. This is not a comprehensive list.

B&W G3 Updates for Mac OS 8.6

B&W G3 Updates for Mac OS 8.6 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-04-03 08:43:06)

Couple Apple system updates for the B&W G3 Mac to enable it to run Mac OS 8.6, files included are: 2940U2B Firmware 1.2.smi Apple-GV 56K Updaters.smi ATI Video SW Update 1.0.smi FireWire 2.1.smi G3 CD Update 2.0.smi G3 Firmware...

Bomb Shelter

Bomb Shelter (1993)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:40:46)

Bomb shelter is a little INIT (it uses up under 1/2 K of memory) that gives you some protection from System Bombs.  System Bombs occur when a program goes out of control due to programmer error and crashes the machine.  The Macintosh...

Big Cheese Key

Big Cheese Key (1992)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 10:33:36)

If life were perfect, people would be able to work nonstop all day, typing away at their computers happily without a break.  Unfortunately, that just isn't the way things work; people in fact tend to work better if they take breaks every...

BootClock 1.0

BootClock 1.0 (1998)
(Added on 2020-02-08 12:13:04)

BootClock is the simplest reboot utility available. It doesn’t interfere with Web servers; it doesn’t require scripting; and it takes next to no CPU cycles. What more could you ask for? BootClock supports unlimited reboot schedules and...

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