Found 12 software entries in System beginning with: "B" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Blank Board Serializer

Blank Board Serializer (2007)
(Modified on 2020-10-27 02:18:18)

Blank Board Serializer (BBS) is an Apple tool to set the System Serial Number (SSN) on a BLANK Mac Logic Board. It is typically used by Apple and it's Service Partners. Blank means that the SSN has never been set (such as on a new Logic...

Brainstorm Accelerator

Brainstorm Accelerator (1991)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 12:07:32)

These are drivers for the Brainstorm Accelerator, an upgrade card for the Macintosh Plus. It is based on a 16 MHz 68000 CPU, and is one of a short list of upgrade options for a Macintosh Plus.

Belkin USB Serial Adapter for Macintosh

Belkin USB Serial Adapter for Macintosh (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-21 14:25:47)

The F5UO03-MAC is a USB to Serial port adapter. Compatible devices include Palm, Newton, and Psion PDAs, Wacom tablets, digital cameras, dial-up and ISDN modems, and numerous printers from Apple, Epson, and HP. This is not a comprehensive list.

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