Found 135 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
Apple Boot Camp Version 3.1.1
These are the Boot Camp drivers extracted from the Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 DVD. Boot Camp version 3.1.1. Includes both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Suport: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
Apple Hardware Test AHT for Intel Macintosh
This archive contains 62 bootable AHT for Intel...
ATI Radeon 9200 Driver (CD)
Apple Internet Connection Kit 1.1.5
Apple Internet connection kit incluides all programs to get your macintosh connected to Internet. Also it includes System 7.5 Update 2.0
Apple TechStep Software
In 1991, Apple released a hand-held diagnostic tool for Macintosh computers and SCSI hard drives called the TechStep. It was sold exclusively to Apple resellers and service centers for $1,000. The primary SIT software archive contains Disk Copy...
Apple Scanner Software
Apple IIe Card 2.2.1
This is not a typical software emulator, but rather a software interface to a hardware card, the Apple //e emulator card for Macintosh II computers. If you have this card, which is essentially a complete Apple //e on a card, this program is gold. If...
Adaptec SCSI Card 2906
This is a disk image created from the original CD that came with the PCI card. Software on this disc: Adaptec SCSI Card 2906 Driver v1.2 SCSIProbe 5.1.2 PowerDomain Control 5.1 This PCI-to-FAST SCSI adapter supports both the PC...
Apple Display Software 2.1.1 (691-2997-A,2Z) (CD)
Apple Displays Software
691-1684-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.5.4 (1997) 691-2293-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.7.1 (1998) 691-2345-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8 (1999) 691-2418-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8.1 (1999)
Apple IIe Card Software 2.21
Software and drivers to support the PDS-based "Apple IIe Card."
ATI RADEON 9000 Pro CD-ROM Mac Edition Release 200
This is the CD-ROM that accompanied the ATI RADEON 9000 Pro 128MB graphics card. It includes the drivers and extensions needed to use the ATI RADEON 9000 series of GPUs on Macintosh computers. It also includes ATI Smartshader Demos,...
Apple Older Software Downloads Archive
Apple's "Older Software" archive, previously freely accessible but no longer available from Apple's support pages. This archive offers all the system software required for vintage 68k and PPC machines, including full versions of...
All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)
This is an archive containing all of the most popular Macintosh models ROM files for emulation purposes, ranging from the first 64K ROM from the Macintosh 128K to the 4 MB ROM files from the Bandai Pippin or PowerMac G3, listed below in ROM size,...
All Apple Hardware Test (AHT) & Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) disks
Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) is Apple's bootable hardware testing console that lets you run extensive technical test routines on your Mac. Alternatively, Apple Hardware Test (AHT) is a simpler version of ASD that is already on most Mac...
Asanté EtherTalk 5.1.2
Asanté Ethernet Installer is the installer program for certain Asante network adapters such as the Asanté EN/SC and Mini EN/SC series of Ethernet to SCSI adapters. Mini EN/SC Macintosh Ethernet...
AltiVec Emulator
Apple DOS Compatibility Card (Houdini I&II) MS-DOS 6.22 Image
Adaptec PowerDomain 2930CU Install CD (v4.0 and v4.3)
AppleCD 600e CD-ROM Software
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