Found 135 software entries in System beginning with: "A" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Apple TechStep Software

Apple TechStep Software (1991)
(Modified on 2023-09-13 11:20:06)

In 1991, Apple released a hand-held diagnostic tool for Macintosh computers and SCSI hard drives called the TechStep. It was sold exclusively to Apple resellers and service centers for $1,000. The primary SIT software archive contains Disk Copy...

Apple IIe Card 2.2.1

Apple IIe Card 2.2.1 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-06-03 22:31:18)

This is not a typical software emulator, but rather a software interface to a hardware card, the Apple //e emulator card for Macintosh II computers. If you have this card, which is essentially a complete Apple //e on a card, this program is gold. If...

Adaptec SCSI Card 2906

Adaptec SCSI Card 2906 (2000)
(Modified on 2023-05-22 15:19:50)

This is a disk image created from the original CD that came with the PCI card. Software on this disc: Adaptec SCSI Card 2906 Driver v1.2 SCSIProbe 5.1.2 PowerDomain Control 5.1 This PCI-to-FAST SCSI adapter supports both the PC...

Apple Displays Software

Apple Displays Software (1999)
(Modified on 2020-03-30 11:23:47)

691-1684-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.5.4 (1997) 691-2293-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.7.1 (1998) 691-2345-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8 (1999) 691-2418-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8.1 (1999)  

All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)

All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC) (1984)
(Modified on 2023-08-18 14:45:47)

This is an archive containing all of the most popular Macintosh models ROM files for emulation purposes, ranging from the first 64K ROM from the Macintosh 128K to the 4 MB ROM files from the Bandai Pippin or PowerMac G3, listed below in ROM size,...

Asanté EtherTalk 5.1.2

Asanté EtherTalk 5.1.2 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-07-08 22:29:13)

Asanté Ethernet Installer is the installer program for certain Asante network adapters such as the Asanté EN/SC and Mini EN/SC series of Ethernet to SCSI adapters. Mini EN/SC Macintosh Ethernet...

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